Sweet Sweet Vaporware

Okay, maybe vaporware isn’t the right word for all of these games, although I can certainly apply it to a few here. But there are plenty of games that have been announced but not dated, and I’m eager to play them.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 tops my list. After the teaser trailer, we got a kickass cutscene-looking movie of Jade parkouring through a villiage, on the run from what appear to be Alpha Section troops. But there’s no word as to whether the game will actually be made. Please please mister Ancel sir, make the game.

Half Life 2, Episode 3 is also a game I can’t wait to play. Aside from brief mentions of the integration of sign language into the game, there’s been no real word on it. No release date. But I’m hoping that the brief glimpse of the Aperture Science ship at the end of Episode 2 means that they’ll integrate the Portal world and give Gordan Freeman a portal gun. How much would that kick ass?

Mechwarrior 5 has also been announced, but there’s very little news. I’ve read that they intend to change the game so that light mechs and heavy mechs will all have their individual roles, similar to classes in RPG games. No longer will light and medium mechs be merely stepping stones to that 100 ton assault mech. I don’t know quite how they’ll pull this off, but it should be interesting.

The third (and potentially final) episode in the Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness series hasn’t even officially been announced yet, but you know it’s coming. I had a blast with the first two games. The comedy is totally ridiculous, and very very Penny-Arcade. I love beating up mimes, hobos, and barbershop quartets with garden implements.

Starcraft: Ghost was delayed “indefinitely”. But it seemed to combine two things I really like: Stealth gameplay, and the Starcraft universe. Watching a mutalisk come at you in first-person would be awesome. I really hope that Blizzard picks the project back up at some point.

The fourth game in the Thief series is going by the working name “Thi4f”. With the horrible jumping and climbing mechanics in Thief: Deadly shadows, the developers have quite a ways to go if they want their game to compete in a game climate that includes titles like Assassin’s Creed and Prince of Persia. Given that they have no choice but to improve, the fourth thief game should kick ass.

And that’s my list. Starcraft: Ghost may be vaporware, and maybe BGE2, but most are just undated games.

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