Alice and Kev

Lots of people have apparently been familiar with Alice and Kev for some time now, but I just found out. And I read the entire story in one day. It’s really super-interesting. I’ve never played a Sims game, but the story of a mean-spirited homeless man and his young daughter as told by this video […]

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Starcraft Battle Report 4

Blizzard has released another one. Watching these, I can totally see how Starcraft is a spectator sport in Korea.

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Oblivion Mod Frustrations

Towards the end of last week, I got restless with the games I had to play. Borderlands and Dragon Age: Origins were still a couple weeks from release, and although I still had Final Fantasy XII to finish, I really just felt like playing something else. I played halfway through Half-Life 2 episode 2, I […]

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Keepers: Baldurs Gate

Keepers is a weekly segment in which I discuss games I’ve played that I’ve seen fit to keep after playing. I generally sell a game that I’ve finished, so the only reason I keep one is because I plan to replay the game some day. Classifying a game as a “keeper” is generally a badge […]

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Raptr Rising

I’ve been toying around with Raptr for some time now, but it wasn’t until a couple weeks ago that I really took notice. Their new desktop client, combined with their new gamercards and their use of Sony’s new PS3 API brings Raptr from a neat curiosity to a seriously useful application. Their desktop application scanned […]

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Keepers: Fahrenheit

Keepers is a weekly segment in which I discuss games I’ve played that I’ve seen fit to keep after playing. I generally sell a game that I’ve finished, so the only reason I keep one is because I plan to replay the game some day. Classifying a game as a “keeper” is generally a badge […]

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Ode to The Shalebridge Cradle

When I think of the best levels in the best video games I’ve ever played, one of the first that comes to mind is the Shalebridge Cradle level from Thief: Deadly Shadows. You’ve got to play through 80% of the game before you’ll see the game’s penultimate level, but it’s worth it. I’ve seen some […]

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Thoughts on Achievements and the Lack Thereof

Playing Thief: Deadly Shadows recently, I was struck by how well the game would work with achievements. The game practically screams for them. In each mission, you can select from four difficulty levels, and in addition to increasing enemies’ perception and lowering your own resistance to damage, the higher difficulties will require you to collect […]

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Thoughts on Import Games

I’d never before played an import game. This whole thing was really kind of an accident. Wait – I’m not making any sense. Lemme ‘splain. No, there is too much. Lemme sum up. I’d been wanting to play Prototype for a while, and when I found a copy the PC version on EBay for $20 whereas it’s […]

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Keepers: Enter The Matrix

Keepers is a weekly segment in which I discuss games I’ve played that I’ve seen fit to keep after playing. I generally sell a game that I’ve finished, so the only reason I keep one is because I plan to replay the game some day. Classifying a game as a “keeper” is generally a badge […]

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