Top Fifty: 1-5

5- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Nintendo EAD, Nintendo Wii, 2006) Despite the fact that it was originally designed as a Gamecube game, I loved Twilight Princess. The beautifully-crafted themed dungeons, the frequent story moment cutscenes, the varied gameplay, the mini-games, the music, I loved it all. And yet I never played Ocarina of […]

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Thoughts on Bioware

I’ve made no secret of the fact that Dragon Age: Origins is the best game I’ve played in years, due primarily to the writing. The storyline and the characters are absolutely stellar. But as good a job as Bioware did with the game, I can’t claim to have loved everything they’ve done. Let’s take a […]

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Variations on a Theme, Part V: Tactical Combat

This is the continuation of my series on the themes that I most enjoy in video games. Today, I’ll be writing about games that include really good tactical combat. It’s interesting to note that 50% of the games run on Dungeons and Dragons rules, and that 50% of them are turn-based, while the other 50% […]

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Keepers: Baldurs Gate

Keepers is a weekly segment in which I discuss games I’ve played that I’ve seen fit to keep after playing. I generally sell a game that I’ve finished, so the only reason I keep one is because I plan to replay the game some day. Classifying a game as a “keeper” is generally a badge […]

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On Baldur’s Gate 2 and Epic Failure

I think I first started playing the Baldur’s Gate games back in 1999, and was thrilled to find a computer RPG based on Dungeons and Dragons, which I’d been playing with friends for years. At the time, I hadn’t played a D&D based video game since the gold box series on my Commodore 64. Flash […]

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