Television Backlog

January 16, 2018 -

There's a lot of TV 'd love to watch, but alas - down time is very difficult to come by nowadays.

The Magicians has just started season two, and Star Trek: Discovery is back from its holiday break. Magicians has always been a lower-tier show for me. Fun, but not one I'm dying to see as soon as an episode comes out. And Star Trek: Discovery, as much as I want to like it, has become an iffy proposition. While it's not as terrible as Enterprise was, I'm now beginning to question whether we should continue watching.

We've also started going through old Trek: Next Generation episodes with our ten-year-old, who seemed to enjoy the Encounter at Farpoint, although The Naked Now was less enjoyed. (I feel strange, but also good!) I'm not looking forward to trudging through seasons one and two before getting to the good stuff, but it's fun to go back to these oldie-but-goodies.

To add to all this, Altered Carbon will be out soon, and when that drops, you can forget all these other shows. I absolutely loved the book - it's one of my favorites. I only hope that the TV series is half as good.My backlog includes a good half-dozen shows that I intend to eventually get back to and watch.

  • Travelers, season 2 - I loved the first season of this show, and so plan to hit the second one as soon as possible.
  • Mr Robot, season 2 - A fun background show. Season one was pretty good.
  • The Expanse - My biggest issue with The Expanse is that it's hard to watch in the background. I actually have to pay attention when it's on, or I miss too much. I'm probably about 7 episodes behind, so I need to catch up.
  • Black Mirror - I haven't yet seen San Junipero, Men Against Fire, Hated in the Nation, Metalhead, and Black Museum. I hadn't realized until I looked just now that there were five episodes I'd missed.
  • Orphan Black - I was a massive fan of this show in season two and three. I kind of fell off after a while, and I'd love to go back and get into it again.
  • The Big Bang Theory - A guilty pleasure, we watch this show when we have too little time to watch a real show before bed.