
November 27, 2018 -

As a heads-up, I'm once again writing for a different blog. In the past, I've written on a number of my own other blogs such as WebFu Lungfishopolis, and Casualty, but now I'm writing for somebody else's blog: GeekDad.

I've got three articles up so far. My first, probably unsurprisingly, was about one of my favorite board games, Sentinels of the Multiverse. I wrote up basically everything I've already said here about the game. Namely, that I love it.

The second article I did was an expanded version of one I published here last month about Amazon's upcoming Wheel of Time TV show. I went into a bit more depth about the setting, about the tidbits I found online, and my own hopes.

The third article I've got up on GeekDad is something I've done here more than once in the past: a preview of all the upcoming movies in 2019 that interest me. I also linked in all the trailers I could find, although the Lion King trailer dropped literally one day after I published this article on GeekDad.