TV Roundup: Early 2019

March 7, 2019 -

There's way too much to watch nowadays. I'm sure there are a lot of shows I'd be watching if I had more time. But as I've done so many times before on this stupid blog of mine, I'm about to review and recap what I'm watching.

Umbrella Academy The show has a serious X-Men vibe, only if storylines like Marvel's allowed characters to permanently die and the world to permanently change. It's delightfully weird, very comic-y, and I love it. My wife doesn't - she quit halfway through episode two. Now I'll have to watch the rest solo.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Sometime around 2010, I watched the entirety of this series on my own. A couple years later, I rewatched it with my wife and daughter. But my youngest still hadn't seen it. So now, we're all watching it together again. It's so good that I really don't mind.

Star Trek: Discovery, Season 2 Linda and I are a bit lukewarm on the show, but so far it's holding our interest. Some episodes are better than others. The whole bit with the spore drive was a bit bizarre, and the first season was kind of all over the place with its plot. But season two, as small a bit of it as we've seen, has potential. Except for the whole Klingon subplot which we hate. Anyway, Star Trek TNG wasn't good until season three or four either.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Yep, since the beginning of 2018, I been re-watching this show with my wife and my 11-year-old daughter, and we just finished. The whole thing. All seven seasons. Still a great show.

The Dragon Prince, Season 2 The more I watch of The Dragon Prince, the more I like it. It's not quite as good as Avatar: The Last Airbender, but the fact that it's anywhere near there really says something for the show.

The Punisher, Season 2 I'm probably about halfway through, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It's not as good as Daredevil season 3, which is to my mind the best thing Netflix Marvel has done, but it's pretty good.

Timeless The show did two seasons and then wrapped up with a mini-movie conclusion. I'm halfway through the first season, and enjoying it.

Runaways, Season 2 I really liked the first season, so I fully intend to get to the second. Right after I watch all these other things.

Magicians I was totally going to watch the new season. But so many other shows. Plus, others who have watched the latest season are giving it a hard meh, so I might just skip it.

Meanwhile, Game of Thrones is going to be on before we know it, and then Stranger Things 3. I'll watch those before any of these.