Mysterious Music

March 13, 2020 - -

Fun story. I was down in my man cave last night, hiding from the Coronavirus and trying to figure out why my PC is overheating every time I turn it on, and I noticed a little piece of paper I'd tacked up on the wall some months or years earlier.

musicI'm sure I doodled this at some point during a meeting, or at some other point when my mind was wandering, then I found it later and wondered if I'd written some music. Maybe it was something good! So, I'd saved it in the hopes that at some point I'd make time to sit down and play it to figure out what the notes were.

But last night, I was staring at the notes, trying to sound them out in my head and figure out what it might be. And it dawned on me. This wasn't something I'd written myself. You may have seen me mention at some point that I get weird random songs stuck in my head, sometimes songs from decades ago. This one was the theme song from the old 1980s Curious George cartoon.

My brain is so weird.