Twenty Years

July 1, 2024 - -

Twenty Years? Seriously? I've had this blog up and running for that long? Damn, I feel old.

Back in 2004, I wrote some absolutely garbage PHP code, and in July I made my first post. This was before we'd moved to Colorado, just five months after Linda and I had gotten married.

The site has changed a lot over that time, had the front end revised a half-dozen times, and the backend revised just once when all the PHP functions got deprecated, but in general I've put as little time into it as possible, just like I do with my yard. Life is busy.

It's hard to believe that I've made over 1000 posts over the last 20 years on this site. But here I am, 20 years later, still updating my "external links" section weekly, although I really should update the photostream more often, and I haven't posted anything new to GeekDad in close to 6 months.

In the end, I know there's perhaps two people reading this site with any regularity, but for some reason, I enjoy yeeting my thoughts out into the ether of the internet.