So I bought a couple CDs. Yes, it's been a long time. The last one I think I bought was Elly K's album. Seems like I do all my CD shopping on CD Baby nowadays, although I did put in a (losing) EBay bid on a Stevie Wonder CD last week.
The first CD I bought was from Wimshurst's Machine, and it's their first CD, A Traveler Who Didn't Ask For Glory I've been listening to them for a couple years online - you can listen to all their music on their site - and that's what got me hooked. I'd listen to it at work online, but the powers that be at my workplace have been griping about bandwidth. So now I've got the CD. I'd say that The Fall of the Ancient Town is my favorite of their tunes.
The other CD I bought, which I haven't received yet, is Jonathon Coulton's Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow. I bought the CD almost entirely for the song Skullcrusher Mountain, which is a love story from the perspective of a mad scientist, singing to a woman he's captured. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Click the link and listen to the song. Now.