I went to PAX East this weekend. While it felt different than previous years at PAX, it was still a lot of fun. Here are some highlights:
- On the drive up, we hit a rest stop on the Mass Pike. And we bumped into MC Frontalot while he was coming out of the bathroom to grab some fast food on his drive to PAX, probably from the airport.
- Thursday night, a group of us hit a Cambridge bar called Drink. That place is always a good time.
- During the opening Q&A session on Friday, Jerry Holkins cosplayed as a certain robot.
- I played a lot of new board games: Rex, Starcraft, Bohnanza, Rattus, Galaxy Trucker, and Sentinels of the Multiverse. I may buy a copy of Galaxy Trucker or Sentinels.
- I got to watch Johann Sebastian Joust. I even played a round. It's a very innovative new video game that uses no screen. Here's a video of one match - I was standing right next to the camera for this.
- I spent some time at the Blendo Games booth and saw their upcoming game Quadrilateral Cowboy. I'm a huge fan of Gravity Bone and Atom Zombie Smasher.
- I finally got to see MC Frontalot in concert.
- Moga was handing out free game controllers to anyone with an Android phone, and I got one.
- The Geek Parenting panel. Of the four panels I'd wanted to get to, it's the only one I actually got to attend. Those things fill up quickly!