Action on the Streets of Hartford

September 23, 2004 -

The following is an email that's circulated its way to me this morning at work.

This morning, while I was in my car on Main Street, waiting at the light to turn onto Central Row, I witnessed a purse snatching. A woman screamed once and then twice. The second time made the traffic cop (who was on the sidewalk manning the changing of the traffic lights). He finally turned to see a man running with the screaming woman following. The bad guy ran around the corner and the cop lunged at him and just managed to grab him and throw him to the ground. Bad guy caught. Within about 45 seconds there were 2 cruisers and the bad guy was searched, cuffed and stuffed into one of the cars. This was just in front of People's Bank on Main St. The woman wasn't old and the man didn't look like a thug - just like they tell you.

Please be careful out there - this was at 7:00am with LOTS of people around.

It's kind of freaky when you hear about these things firsthand.