It's been nearly three months since I posted anything at all on this site, and in the meantime has had some php error related downtime, which came as a direct result of laziness on my own part. Web Design takes a backseat when real life intercedes. You'll be pleased to know that I've been having a lot of fun with Linda and Lia.
So given the dearth of new content, I've decided to throw up a quick 5-question quiz. I'd link you to previous quizzes, but my archive is currently broken. Oh, and the formatting for the rss feed is broken too. I guess that's something else to do when I get time. After I've rebuilt my home media server and gone through the boxes of hand-me-downs to find Lia some size 9 shoes. The girl has big feet like her daddy.
This quiz drops names from books and movies. Many (but not all) of the items in this list are books that have had movie adaptations. See how many you know without googling them.
3. Is this from Dune?
4. The towers of Isengard and Mordor from Lord of the Rings.