What I’m Playing – Brandon Edition

Seeing how Greg so eloquently laid out what he’s playing right now, I figured that I’d do the same, even though the pickings are slim indeed.

1.) Rock Band 2 – I am always playing Rock Band 2, even when I’m not physically playing it. If I’m in the car, I’m either singing songs that I’ve purchased already, hoping to match my pitch up just right, or I’m listening to songs with an ear to whether or not they’d make good tracks for the game. At this point in the game I’ve completed the tour, as well as all of various tour challenges and am working on singing 25 challenges on Expert. I’m less then half way there with 10 under my belt, so I don’t think that achievement is going to pop any time soon, but it’s always fun to belt out a few songs every now and then. I should go back to drumming, especially since I bought cymbals for my drum kit, but honestly, those drums scare me. I’m such a bad drummer I keep thinking that I’m going to hurt myself. Lord knows I’m hurting the song.

2.) Gears of War 2 – I recently picked this one back up to help a co-worker get his co-op achievements. I was pretty disappointed in how this game ended up. Oh sure it’s pretty, and the co-op is nice, but all of the intensity that the original brought to the table has been removed. Once I’m done on the co-op side, there are some new multiplayer achievements I need to get. Some require maps that I won’t be buying, so Ye Olde Completion Percentage is just going to have to take a hit on that one.

3.) Left 4 Dead – By far, this game is taking up most of my time right now. Every Friday night I get together with three other guys and we tackle a campaign on Expert as we work towards the “What Are You Trying to Prove” achievement. Expert sucks, but so far we’re 75% done. Only Blood Harvest stands between us and victory, but Blood Harvest is a cruel, cruel mistress. I’m hoping that we can be done with it tonight so that I can mop up the remaining achievements and put this one to bed, but if last week was any indication, that ain’t happening.

So, that’s it, not a lot of games there. My handhelds have been dark for some time now as I await the glory and splendor that is Puzzle Quest: Galactrix. I’m sure I could find something to play on them, but I do have a review copy of Inkheart in the mail to me, and Galactrix drops at the end of the month, so why bother? February also brings Deadly Creatures for the Wii and the new 50 Cent game for the 360, both for review purposes. Killer spiders and pissed off rappers. Should make for an interesting month.

Posted in XBox 360


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