(APRIL FOOLS) Planescape: Torment 2

Note: I’m aware that this stuff stays on the internet forever, and so I’ll change the subject and preface the original content with the note that this was an April Fools gag.

Just yesterday, Bioware announced that it’s working on a sequel to the 1999 RPG Planescape: Torment. After what happened with The Nameless One at the end of the original game, many said that a sequel could never happen. Still, it seems to be in development, using the same engine as Dragon Age: Origins. I for one will be looking forward to it.

Posted in PC


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6 Responses to “(APRIL FOOLS) Planescape: Torment 2”

  1. Yeah yeah yeah. So maybe April Fools is retarded. Still, I felt obliged to participate.

  2. Kojubat

    This hurts in a way that goes beyond mean.

  3. Angry

    Mean indeed.Not funny at all.

  4. Grrr

    i hate you…so very much

  5. Felltablet

    I got here through a search engine.
    You are an evil person to put this out there.

  6. Nameless One

    Nooooaaaaargh!!! >:.(

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