Keepers: Shadow of the Colossus

Keepers is a weekly segment in which I discuss games I’ve played that I’ve seen fit to keep after playing. I generally sell a game that I’ve finished, so the only reason I keep one is because I plan to replay the game some day. Classifying a game as a “keeper” is generally a badge of merit.

It’s been three and a half years since I first played Shadow of the Colossus, and despite my complaints about the camera angle and the horse, it stands out for being one of the most simple and one of the most beautifully cinematic games I’ve ever played. In honor of this week’s announcement that a Shadow of the Colossus movie is in development, I’ve chosen the game for this week’s feature.

For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure, Shadow of the Colossus came late in the Playstation 2’s life cycle, and the basic plotline was that of a boy, who shows up at the outset of the story bearing a young girl’s body. He visits a shrine wherein dwells a spirit/diety/demon who has the power to restore her to life. In return, it asks that he destroy the sixteen statues lining the main hall of the shrine. In order to destroy each, he must defeat a colossus. And so armed with only a sword, bow, and his horse Argo, he sets out to locate and destroy the colossi.

The battles against the colossi are epic boss battles, and each has at least as much puzzle in it as it does combat. The sense of scale is amazing, and you truly feel like a mouse battling an elephant.

I’m glad I’ve kept this game. Although I did go back to replay it once, I only got as far as the sixth colossus before getting stuck. When you play the game on hard, it is truly more difficult than the normal difficulty level.

Posted in Keepers, Platform, Playstation 2


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4 Responses to “Keepers: Shadow of the Colossus”

  1. I still have Greg to thank for introducing me to this amazing game. After borrowing it from you I went out and bought the Greatest Hits version. It’s probably my #1 or 2 game overall, really just an unforgettable gaming experience.

  2. I absolutely love introducing people to games, movies, TV shows, (whatever) that they end up really enjoying. Really good to hear that you love the game – I’ll probably go back through it again sometime before too long. I don’t know if I’ll be able to manage on hard – the Colossus in the round stadium that climbs up walls kicked my ass on hard.

  3. Ben

    Wonderful game with such a unique atmosphere, I loved it! The secret power ups and the hidden garden was something I never found out about until I had played the game for over a year ^^ made life slightly easier after that XD

  4. […] a boy finding and defeating colossi – a giant series of boss battles. And it’s awesome. Read the Keepers article for more […]

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