Using the AV output on a PS3

From the day I bought my PS3, I’ve had it hooked up to our flatscreen with an HDMI cable. But recently we had to sell our televisions, and I found need to hook it up to an old standard definition set. The problem I found is that the AV output cables just wouldn’t work. I tried it on more than one TV just to check, and I couldn’t get any signal from the Playstation 3’s AV cables.

Googling around, I managed to find the solution. You’ve got to reset the PS3’s video settings. When you turn on the PS3, rather than using the controller, hold down the power button for 5 seconds or so. The thing will beep, and then the AV cables should work. Viola. Hopefully this helps somebody out. It drove me nuts for the hour or so before I thought to search online.

Posted in Playstation 3
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2 Responses to “Using the AV output on a PS3”

  1. Yeah, same thing happened to me when I inadvertently set my PS3 to use the wrong video output. Nothing but black screen. Luckily I had the manual with me so I could just reset it and move on. Oh for the good old days of simple A/V hookups.

  2. Same thing happened here. Try not to strain your eyes too much on the old TV. The resolution makes it difficult to see things which really frustrates me, which is why I’m investing into a HD TV at some stage.

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