Two Years of Blogging: My Favorites

Although my little game blog here is no 1up, there are a number of Lungfishopolis articles of which I’m proud. I thought it’d be fun to look back on some of the site’s best posts.

Awesome things I’ve done in Scribblenauts (link)
After having seen a tweet written by Wil Wheaton, I got the idea of sharing Scribblenauts experiences with other players of the game. Due to some bizarre planetary conjunction, fourteen other players stumbled across my post and chimed in. It hasn’t been too often that I’ve gotten that many comments on a post, so I consider that one a success.

Ode to the Shalebridge Cradle (link)
While on my second replay of Thief: Deadly Shadows, I became entranced with the romantic spookiness of The Shalebridge Cradle, one of the best video game levels ever created. And yes, I wrote a sonnet. I thought it came out rather well.

Co-op Etiquette (link)
In considering the nature of pop-in multiplayer, which could sometimes occur without explicit invitation, Brandon wrote up a good article detailing an experience of his. I enjoyed reading it, and I cracked myself up with the image I threw together to accompany the article.

Everything Old is New Again (part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4)
When the Ghostbusters video game was announced, I thought it would be a good idea to examine what other decades-old movie licenses were ripe for being made into video games. Weekend at Bernies? Xanadu? I hope people had half the fun reading it that I had writing it.

Scribblenauts Smackdown (part 1 / part 2 / part 3semifinals / finals)
This was part of my ill-fated big push to bring traffic to Lungfishopolis after the big fourteen-comment Scribblenauts post detailed above. The idea: pit-fight Scribblenauts creatures and describe the battle in far more detail than actually occurs in-game. It drew in a few commenters, but wasn’t nearly the success I’d hoped.

Games for Couples (link)
Honestly, I really enjoyed all the multi-author articles that ever appeared on this site. But this one presented some stuff that I actually thought could be useful to people looking for games to play with their girlfriends or wives.

MusicCast (link)
I put together five different podcasts wherein I played and commented on video game music before I stopped due to lack of interest. Maybe I’m in the minority with my appreciation of video game music, but I still listen to it.

Confessions of a Games Journalist (part 1 / part 2 / part 3)
In 2008, Brandon’s went to Vegas to write about a preview of Saints Row 2 for, and he wrote about his time in Vegas here. I thought that was pretty damn cool.

Braid Hints (World 2World 3World 4World 5World  6)
When I played Braid, I had to look up a few of the solutions online, and I hated having to do it. So my bright idea was to write up some hints that would nudge players in the right direction without giving the answers away. The series has proved popular, even years later.

Game of the Year Awards, 2010-2019 (link)
A little more than a year ago, I got wildly creative and wrote a future-history piece about a decade’s worth of Game of the Year games that haven’t yet come out. Sure, nine out of ten games were completely fictitous, but I did predict the existence of a 3D Nintendo DS, although I placed it in 2016.

Pixeljunk Monsters Strategies (part 1 / part 2 / part 3)
I’ve never been one for writing strategy guides, but I was really really into Pixeljunk Monsters. Actually, I kind of still am.

Poopsocking (link)
My favorite of all the collaborative articles, poopsocking asked its authors “What game have you put the most hours into?” This article had four contributors, which is a record for Lungfishopolis.

Posted in List, Lungfishopolis
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