What’s to Come

When I originally created Lungfishopolis.com, I was playing a lot more games than I am today. I’d envisioned myself as one of three or four authors who’d write on this site once or twice per week, writing about the experiences we’d had playing games rather than writing up reviews of the games we played. It was to be a labor of love rather than a job.

But while I did find two other like-minded guys willing to write on the site, life interceded. Brandon got a gig writing for GameShark.com, and when you have the choice of doing something free or getting paid for it, it’s not much of a decision. He’s now a real games journalist, and in my opinion his writing is some of the best I’ve seen. I’m happy for him in his new spot. Frank has had a lot going on in his own personal life as well, and no one could ever begrudge him for his absence here. As for myself, I’ve moved from Colorado back to Connecticut, and replaced much of my gaming with human interaction, since I have far more Connecticut friends than I ever had Colorado friends. As a result, there’s been far less on Lungfishopolis over the past few months than there’s been overall during the past few years.

What’s to come? Well… fewer articles, that’s what. Yes, I’ve considered shutting the site down, but… I kind of like the site. Yes, it contains mostly lists and other drivel that many people might find uninteresting, but I’m not giving up quite yet. While I can’t claim to have put much of any energy into improving my writing, I still enjoy that writing. And once in a while, I feel like I write something worth reading.

Posted in Lungfishopolis
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One Response to “What’s to Come”

  1. I quite like the site too. It’s been a good read since you randomly popped up on my own site and I followed the links to your own site.

    I’ll be keeping an eye out, so Game On!

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