Final Thoughts on Mass Effect 2

I was never a huge fan of the first title in the Mass Effect series. While it did many things well, it never grabbed me as it had so many other players. So going into Mass Effect 2, my expectations were pretty low. I love the setting of Mass Effect. The progenitor race, the mass […]

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The Bioshock Pitch

Although you may be aware that I found the original Bioshock to be an overrated game, I played through and enjoyed it enough. Now, Irrational games has released the original design documents for the game. Very very cool. Check it out.

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Portal is Free

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Is Borderlands the New Fallout?

As I continue to play through Borderlands, after having completed the main quest, I notice more and more the external influences that must have affected the game’s design. For example, the pillar of light that appears when you activate quick travel looks very much like the pillar of light coming from City 17’s Citadel in […]

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The Borderlands Gun Show

This is a pretty cool site. The Gun Show allows people to upload and show off their Borderlands items, and it seems as though they may have a system in place for people who want to trade items. Fun to look through.

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Keepers: Crysis

Keepers is a weekly segment in which I discuss games I’ve played that I’ve seen fit to keep after playing. I generally sell a game that I’ve finished, so the only reason I keep one is because I plan to replay the game some day. Classifying a game as a “keeper” is generally a badge […]

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Borderlands 2 Wishlist

Last night, I completed Borderlands’s single-player story mode, using Mordecai the sniper. And while the gameplay is so addictive that I plan to continue playing multiplayer Borderlands with friends, I have to agree with reviewers that the ending is lame. There’s now an interview online in which Randy Pitchford calls Borderlands 2 a “no brainer”. […]

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Borderlands: Favorite Weapons

Just thought I’d share a couple of my favorite Borderlands weapons here. I’m playing as Mordecai the sniper, so first off I’ve got my PPZ Liquid Wrath sniper rifle. In addition to doing over 200 damage, it zaps right through enemies’ shields. Very nice. And secondly, my standby at medium range. The HLK War Cobra. […]

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Borderlands: Initial Impressions

I’m playing the Steam version of Borderlands on a PC, which means that I’ve been playing about a week less than the XBox and PS3 folks. It also means that I’m not playing on a platform for which the game was designed. The menus in Borderlands were obviously put together for a console, and it […]

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Keepers: Escape From Butcher Bay

Keepers is a weekly segment in which I discuss games I’ve played that I’ve seen fit to keep after playing. I generally sell a game that I’ve finished, so the only reason I keep one is because I plan to replay the game some day. Classifying a game as a “keeper” is generally a badge […]

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