Disappointing Superbowl Commercials

February 6, 2005 -

Although I've got to say Paul McCartney was far better than Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson, I was disappointed overall with the Superbowl commercials this year.

The one with P.Diddy's Diet Pepsi truck was fairly amusing. And Linda's favorite was the designated driver dance - I liked that one too. But my personal favorite was the one with the bear kicking Burt Reynolds in the balls. Now that made me laugh.

Comments on Disappointing Superbowl Commercials
Comment Mon, February 7 - 9:56 AM by tagger
For my money, the best commercial ever made remains the 1984 Macintosh ad. Even though the ad was televised only once and even though I have *never* watched a Superbowl (that's right - not ONCE in 39 years!), I saw a screening of the ad during one of those "What's Wrong With Our Ads" management bitch sessions Data General was so fond of. Since Orwell's "1984" is one of my all-time favorite books (I reread it right after the last presidential election - scary) and Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" one of my favorite films, that ad really got to me.
Comment Mon, February 7 - 12:31 PM by Tony Liro
My Personal Favorite was only shown once sometime in the 3rd quarter. It was the one fro AmeriQuest brokerage.. A man is in the kitchen cooking and has a pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove. A white cat jumps up on the stove and knocks down the pot of sauce all over the white kitchen floor. mean while.. his wife/girlfriend is comming home and opening the door. The man grabs the cat and some of the "Red" sauce gets on the white cat. When the woman opens the door, she sees the white cat covered in red and the man holding the cat in the air with a puddle of sauce right below the cat. A caption then displays reading "Don't judge to quickly.. We don't" Great... I hope to see it again.
Comment Mon, February 7 - 12:46 PM by Greg
Tony - I'd forgotten that one. That was great. Don't forget the butcher knife the guy had in his other hand - that was key. :)

I found a good listing of the superbowl commercials here.