Bragging Rights

February 17, 2005 - -

Yesterday, I had to drive Linda's new car to Pueblo to have her new leather heated seats installed. As you might imagine, that's a pretty intensive procedure, and so I got dropped off at the mall while the upholstery company worked. I brought a book and a video game to occupy my time, but got bored of them both before long.

The Pueblo Mall, overall, is pretty pathetic. Granted, not as pathetic as the Hartford Civic Center Mall or Bristol Center Mall, but it is pretty sad. The only stores worth visiting were the bookstore and the GameStop. (Wherein I purchased three movies)

I also found an arcade, impressively sized for so pathetic a mall, although they were sadly missing many classics. They did have one game which I soon found closely resembled the good old Street Fighter 2. It was called "Capcom versus SNK.". Well, it's pretty much been ten years since I played Street Fighter with any regularity, but I was bored as hell, so I popped in a quarter. After about 20 minutes on that quarter, someone else came up and joined in the game. It felt like old times as I beat the guy (who was a friendly guy and not a bad player - must've been a regular to the arcade) over and over. After he'd blown 5 or 6 quarters, he smiled and stepped back, and I went on to beat the game - which I'd never played before - on that one quarter. I guess the Street Fighter skills I built up while working at that arcade in college have not yet entirely left me.

Comments on Bragging Rights
Comment Wed, March 9 - 11:23 AM by Someone
Chun Li rules!!