Forget X-Men 3. Forget The Poseidon Adventure remake and The Da Vinci Code. The blockbuster of 2006 is going to be Snakes on a Plane.
You heard it right. They're making a movie about snakes. On a plane. Starring Samuel L. Jackson. Seems like they wanted to change the name, but you've got to admit - the name is bound to be the best part of the movie. So Samuel L. Jackson made them change it back.
Beaks: One of those films that you're working on right now is... well, it's called "Pacific Air 121"-
Jackson: Snakes on a Plane, man!
Beaks: Exactly.
Jackson: We're totally changing that back. That's the only reason I took the job: I read the title.
Beaks: Snakes on a Plane! That's everything!
Jackson: You either want to see that, or you don't.
Beaks: And how are those snakes? Besides being on a plane?
Jackson: Some of them are aggressive, some of them are cool. They're interesting to watch, and interesting to interact with. It depends on what kind of snake it is. One day, it took, like, four guys to bring in this 350 lb. Burmese Python. We were all like, "Where's that goin'?" And I watched an Albino Cobra strike airplane seats the other day. I watched it from another studio. It's actually been a fun show. But we're taking the name back!
I first read about this movie in Wired Magazine, but soon learned that the blogosphere is ripe with Snakes on a Plane goodness. It's a nonstop fountain of hilarity. I bought a tee shirt.