A great find I happened across at a german blog - scans of Action Comics issue #1, where Superman makes his first appearance ever. An American cultural icon, and this is his debut - before he could fly, when he did things like save women from their abusive husbands and stop evil government lobbyists rather than preventing natural disasters and thwarting supervillains. It's fifteen pages, but it's very entertaining to see Superman in such an early stage of development.
Lois Lane, the dumbest reporter of our time appears on page 7. The woman was too stupid to be a reporter.
Speaking of time machines... on of my favorite cracks at Lois was in a Lois and Clark episode. A guy named Tempus hijacks a Time Machine built by H.G. Welles and it goes something like this...
Lois: If you want to kill Superman, I don't know why you want to go to Smallville or why 1966
Tempus: [confused pause] She doesn't know yet... Oh, This is good! This is realllly good. Um, Lois... Did you know in the future you're revered at the same level as Superman? There are books about you, statues, an interactive game. You're even a breakfast cereal.
Lois: Really...
Tempus: YES, but as much as everybody loves you, there is one question that keeps coming up.
HOW.... DUMB.... WAS SHE!?!?
Lois: [confused]
Tempus: Here, I'll show you what I mean [steals glasses off H.G. Welles].
Tempus: [Puts on Glasses] Look, I'm Clark Kent.
Tempus: [Takes off Glasses] LO! I'm SUPERMAN!
Tempus: [Puts on Glasses] Mild mannered reporter...
Tempus: [Takes off Glasses] SUPER - HERO!!!
Lois: [confused]
Tempus: DUH!
Lois: [Lois figures it out.... ... ... ... NOW]
Lois: [Lois begins to breathe funny]