Game Sequels

July 19, 2006 -

There are a few video game sequels lined up that I'm very excited about. Heavy Rain, the sequel to Indigo Prophecy is looking amazing, although they'll have to deal with Uncanny Valley. Bethesda, who just put out the amazing game Oblivion is currently working on Fallout 3, a game that we've been eagerly awaiting for years. And Crysis, the sequel to Far Cry is looking to be amazing. Granted, we'll all have to be running Windows Vista PCs with DirectX10 in order to play these games, but the day will doubtless come.

This got me thinking about other sequels which haven't been announced, but need to be made. Yes, a G.I. Joe sequel would be nice, but I'm not pinning my hopes on it.

Firstly, a sequel to Beyond Good and Evil, one of my favorite games, and one I've played through twice now and will probably play through a third time. There have been rumors of a sequel, but nothing concrete. Next, Psychonauts 2. The ending of the first game set up perfectly for it. I'd honestly be surprised if a sequel doesn't emerge before the end of the decade. The main thing is that it needs to be as funny as the original, and writing that good is hard to come by. I'd rather have no sequel than an unfunny, mediocre sequel. And lastly, Starcraft 2. Starcraft has an amazingly huge following, and Blizzard hasn't done anything with that incredibly valuable IP for a long time. Even if they ported the original Starcraft to something like the Nintendo DS, it would be a huge hit. The DS would actually be a perfect platform for it. But I'm not getting my hopes up. We'll probably see Starcraft 2 someday. I can only hope.

Comments on Game Sequels
Comment Wed, July 19 - 4:26 PM by Carl Reyes
There are some game sequels the world could have done without...

- Rad Racer II
- The last three Tomb Raiders (Bigger titties, less plot)
- The last 7 Megamans (c'mon, 'HARDMAN'? Seriously, 'HARDMAN').
Comment Wed, July 19 - 4:55 PM by Greg
Never played a Tomb Raider game or a Megaman game. But the Wii is going to have EXCITE TRUCK, sequel to ExciteBike. :)