A coworker of mine recently invented mouse button extenders, which consist of two round pieces of plastic from a broken chair, scotch taped onto the two buttons of a mouse. I'm not sure exactly where or under what conditions these would be useful, but I somehow intuitively knew them to be sheer genius.
This got me thinking about what other similarly brilliant inventions I could come up with. I quickly had to discard the idea of a solar-powered flashlight when I found that they actually existed and were not as pointless as I'd dreamed. There are some really bad ones out there, such as a fire alarm with a snooze bar, but in the end I settled on two of my favorites from cartoons.
First, Wiley Coyote's Rocket Skates. I want me a pair of these. Beautifully envisioned, these rocket skates will carry you along at speeds of up to 160mph. What could possibly go wrong?
And next, my personal favorite. Homer invented the electric hammar and the Lazy-Boy-toilet, but his crowning achievement was the amazing makeup shotgun. What woman wouldn't want the convenience of getting ready to go out by being shot in the face?