Too much TV

October 17, 2007 -

Maybe it's too much television, and maybe it just feels like too much television because we're so busy taking care of Lia and trying to manage everything else. I've been trying to separate the good shows from the bad, and have already written off a few of this season's new shows. Here's what I've got.

Heroes is, of course, at the top of my list. While my other favorite show The 4400 isn't on, Heroes is the one show I can't miss. Gabriel Grey is just too good a villain, and Noah Bennett is such a wonderfully complex dichotomous character. Besides my two favorite characters, I'm also still loving Hiro but his novelty has worn off. However I still do admire Masi Oka as the supergenius he is.

This season of House got off to a good start, so we'll be watching that show as well. However, Bionic Woman turned out to be garbage. Watched the first two episodes and decided that our household is better off without.

We watched the first two episodes of Journeyman last night, and are still undecided. We'll probably hit the other two episodes in our TiVo before long and make up our minds. Right now, it seems like a mix of Quantum Leap, Voyagers, and from what I hear having never read the book, The Time Travelers Wife. I'll be reading that book soon.

I've heard a lot of good about Reaper, and I've got two episodes on the TiVo, so I'll have to check that one out soon too. I also caught part of an episode of Pushing Daisies, but it seemed a bit too Tim Burton for me. Very much like Big Fish. And I still haven't heard a thing about The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

We've got so many shows to watch right now that I'm glad our other favorites (24, Battlestar Galactica, and the sad mess that is Lost) aren't on until wintertime. There's not enough time.

Comments on Too much TV
Comment Thu, October 18 - 11:12 PM by Sven
I know exactly wht you're talking about. Having a new born at home makes one chose carefully what to watch in the little time left.
Here in Europe the first season of Heroes started airing 3 Weeks ago. So I am a bit behind, but will be catching up quickly, (I just got the first season on dvd) So far great series.
The 4400 was taken of the air recently, (too few viewers on Monday night 10:00p.m.) So they're looking for a new timeslot. It should be back on sometime this fall.
Lost's fourth season is running right now, but i am too confused, by the plot. When you miss one or two episodes I hardly understand anything, so I stopped watching.
Comment Tue, October 30 - 11:53 PM by Steph
The new Bionic Woman should have been called "Bionic Gilmore Girl." I'm just sayin'...