Yesterday, Barack Obama gave a speech in Philadelphia about race and racism. It's an issue I've never really put a lot of thought into because racism is an issue I've never encountered directly. Perhaps I'm sheltered. The areas of Connecticut in which I grew up were primarily white with a spattering of hispanic and black populace, but I'd had black friends and Puerto Rican friends and never thought twice about it.
Yesterday, I read a transcript of Obama's speech. It was well-written and amazingly honest. It was the type of speech that George Bush would never make in a million years. Rather than repeating the same sound bytes over and over, Obama spoke in a very heartfelt way. The speech was so good that I linked it as a news link in my sidebar.
This morning, I found out that he wrote that speech himself. Goddamn it. I want this man to be our president.
If you want to see what I'm talking about, read the speech. It's long, but it's worth it.