Obama's Speech

March 19, 2008 -

Yesterday, Barack Obama gave a speech in Philadelphia about race and racism. It's an issue I've never really put a lot of thought into because racism is an issue I've never encountered directly. Perhaps I'm sheltered. The areas of Connecticut in which I grew up were primarily white with a spattering of hispanic and black populace, but I'd had black friends and Puerto Rican friends and never thought twice about it.

Yesterday, I read a transcript of Obama's speech. It was well-written and amazingly honest. It was the type of speech that George Bush would never make in a million years. Rather than repeating the same sound bytes over and over, Obama spoke in a very heartfelt way. The speech was so good that I linked it as a news link in my sidebar.

This morning, I found out that he wrote that speech himself. Goddamn it. I want this man to be our president.

If you want to see what I'm talking about, read the speech. It's long, but it's worth it.

Comments on Obama's Speech
Comment Wed, March 19 - 1:20 PM by Kris Johnson
I watched the speech with my wife last night and we were both very impressed. Unlike our current POTUS, Obama didn't sound like he was talking to a bunch of 12-year-olds, and didn't sound like a 12-year-old himself. He didn't play for applause, he was intelligent, his points were genuine and reasonable, and he addressed the issue rather than dancing around it.
Comment Thu, March 20 - 1:22 AM by pmd
It was a nice speech and he made some very good points. Still, I think he's politely unloading unwanted baggage.

As far as the following he's getting, the enthusiasm seems a bit much. I'm not just talking about the record turnouts and the fainting. I'm starting to get lots of messages on the social networks I belong to, and they're all exclusively Obama. I'm even getting them from this one woman podcaster, AND SHE'S CANADIAN!!!

Anyway, I still haven't decided if I'll vote for Obama or not. Considering the other options, I may not have a better choice.

My town is using bubble sheets. Maybe I'll just pencil in Harold Saxon instead.
(tap tap tap tap, tap tap tap tap, tap tap tap tap....)
Comment Thu, March 20 - 8:40 AM by Brandon
It's been some time since I've actually been excited about a candidate for president. At the same time, I'm prepared for the usual wave of stupidity that seems to crash upon this country come election time and know that it's not a good thing to get one's hopes up too high.