Last night, Linda and I got a babysitter and went out to see Hancock. I was pleasantly surprised. Although the story took a bit of a left turn about which I'm not sure how to feel, it had some moments at which I laughed harder than I have in a long time. I'd definitely recommend the movie.
I haven't yet seen Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and at this point I may be waiting for it to come out on video. I've heard lukewarm reviews of the movie, but I can't imagine it being too much worse than Temple of Doom.
Another movie that got less than great reviews was The Happening. I'll likely also see this one at home once I can get it from Netflix. I do really like M. Night Shamalamadingdong - my favorite movie of his is actually Signs, although I liked Lady in the Water more than some other people seem to have.
Dark Knight comes out soon, and I really want to see that one in the theater rather than wait for its home release. I haven't been a huge fan of the DC remakes1, but this one looks pretty good.
Wanted wasn't even on my radar until it was already in the theater, and I've never really liked any Angelina Jolie movies2, but it's gotten some really good reviews, so I'd like to see it at some point.
Hellboy 2 is coming out soon too. If there weren't so many other options, I'd probably see it. I liked the first one a lot. But as things are, I'll likely catch it on video.
Lastly, Pineapple Express, a Seth Rogen action/comedy for which I've got high hopes. If you haven't seen this trailer, you should check it out. And speaking of trailers, take a look at the trailer for Know1ng. I'm not a fan of Nicholas Cage, but somehow I like the scripts he picks, and so I often end up liking his movies.
1 Superman Returns, Batman Begins
2 Except maybe Hackers
How did you not like Batman Begins?
Was there a pun in there about Pineapple Express? If so, good job.