Character Archetype: Mad Scientist

June 29, 2010 - -

Of all the different types of characters out there, the mad scientist has always been one of my favorites. Whether it's Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Horrible, or Dr. Frankenstein, mad scientists have always been great characters. Here, I'll share with you three of my very favorites.

  • Dr. Emmett BrownDr. Emmett Brown - The penultimate mad scientist, Christopher Lloyd played Doc Brown, the inventor of time travel in Back to the Future. Of course, bring the wildly eccentric genius that he was, he put the time machine into a sports car. I take the De Lorean for granted nowadays, but it really was a fairly wacky idea.
    Favorite Moment:
    Trying to act discreet when chatting with an alternate version of himself about the "weather equipment" that was actually rigged to conduct a bolt of lightning to the flux capacitor.

  • Dr. Kevin Burkhoff - played by Jeffrey Combs in The 4400
    Being that I love The 4400 so much,Dr. Kevin BurkhoffBurkhoff was the first mad scientist that came to mind for this list. He first appeared in a mental institution, where he hadn't spoken for years, and was cured through the actions of Tess Dorner, a character played by Summer Glau. Burkhoff went on to discover the neurotransmitter promicin, which allowed human beings to exhibit supernatural abilities.
    Favorite Moment:
    Needing to experiment on a human and having no willing subjects, Kevin injects himself. Repeatedly. Even after it appears that the injections may be slowly killing him.

  • Dr. Walter BishopDr. Walter Bishop - As much as I love the others, John Noble's Walter Bishop takes the cake. Like Kevin Burkhoff, he started out the series in an asylum. But as much as I love the other characters, Walter's got them beat. He overtly loves candy, keeps a cow in his lab, and is keeping a horrible secret from his son. Fringe is a great show, and Walter Bishop is what makes the show great.
    Favorite Moment:
    Investigating a horribly grisly mass murder at a diner, Walter happens to see a bowl of onion soup on the counter and excitedly asks if he can get a cup of that.
  • How about you? Who's your favorite mad scientist?

Comments on Character Archetype: Mad Scientist
Comment Tue, June 29 - 12:41 PM by Kris Johnson
Wait a minute...

You put Jeffrey Combs on your list of Mad Scientists as a character from THE 4400? He's the RE-ANIMATOR, for cryin' out loud! They just don't come any madder than that!
Comment Wed, June 30 - 5:59 PM by Sven
I'd like to add: The Brain (Pinky and The Brain)... Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Comment Tue, July 6 - 6:43 PM by Greg
I know. But I never liked The Reanimator as much as I liked The 4400.