Scribblenauts Smackdown: Blob versus Kraken

Welcome back! I’m Vince Clortho coming to you live from the Lungfishopolis Coliseum in beautiful downtown Lungfishopolis. With me here is color commentator Gordon Freeman, whose career as a sports announcer I can only imagine will be coming to an end soon. What? You know I’m telling the truth, Gordon! You haven’t said a word all week! Oh come on, don’t be juvenile. Come back here.

Sorry about that folks. So with today’s big event only minutes away, let’s take a quick look into the colorful histories of each of our competitors.

The Blob is best known for its original attack on the town of Downingtown, Pennsylvania in 1958, although it appeared in many later movies. And… is this really all we have on the blob? One sentence? Not much of a retrospective.

Let’s see.. The Kraken is a member of an ancient race of leviathan-like giant squid that often claim relation to the god Cthulhu. He’s had numerous appearances in popular fiction going back to the 1870 title 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, although the Kraken would like it to be known that the bipedal “titan” that appeared in the 1981 film “Clash of the Titans” was a fraud. This kraken auditioned for the remake of that same film, but was rejected. Following the rejection, the kraken destroyed much of the set, killing six cast members and causing the release of the film to be delayed until 2010.

They tell me now that the competitors are ready. And there are the lights. There they are, folks. The two toughest creatures in Scribblenauts. Yesterday, we watched the kraken pull a dragon limb from limb. And the blob dissolved death himself. Today, they’re out for blood. Wait – do either of them actually have blood? No, I thought the kraken would have like… ichor or something.


The lights have come up and they’re playing the blob’s theme song as it oozes up the island where the final round will take place. How odd it is to hear the crowd cheering like that for an amorphorous blob. But as small as the blob is compared to the kraken, we’ve not seen anything yet that has truly hurt the blob. The dragon yesterday did a bit of a number on the kraken, but the blob has yet to show any true vulnerability.

And there it is. Someone has shouted “release the kraken!” over the PA, and here it comes. The kraken is obviously close to ten times the size of the blob – a clear weight advantage. But we’ve seen great things out of the Grim Reaper, and he was far smaller than many of his adversaries. Size may be a factor, but it isn’t everything.

And there they go! The kraken is slashing and grabbing away at the blob, but it looks like it’s getting hurt each time a tentacle touches it. The blob has managed to get past the tentacles and is attacking the kraken’s body. It’s not looking good for the kraken.

The kraken has gone limp! I think this may be it. Yes! The blob is the Scribblenauts Smackdown Grand Champion! The blob has won! The officiator has stepped out onto the island to award the blob with a medal.

Oh. That’s awkward. When the officiator put the medal around the blob, it dissolved. And now the blob is eating the officiator. This is not good. It’s moving out towards the audience now. Lots of screaming and running. I’ve got to be going now, so until next time, this is Vince Clortho signing off.

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